Sunday, February 7, 2021

A Decade



It's been a decade of motherhood, a decade of challenges and a decade of love. She came into the world on a rainy February night and changed my life. She wasn't an easy baby; she struggled to sleep (still does), had an diagnosed lip tie that made nursing miserable, she repeated got croup. But she was a wonderful toddler. She developed her language skills early so she was always chattering away (again, still does this) and she loved to sing songs. She developed her love of nature young. Teachers continue to tell me they are amazed at her extensive knowledge of the natural world. She feels deeply connected to the natural and magical worlds. 

I love that even though she is very tall for her age, she's still got her childhood innocence. She feels things very deeply and can struggle with managing all those feelings but I think she will be an empathetic adult. 

She loves to read and was delighted by the bag full of Magic Treehouse books her grandparents gifted her. She loves to create things. She got a sewing machine for Christmas and has been making small pillows for all her friends ever since. She also got a needle felting kit for her birthday that she's excited to dive into. 

She's a wonderful friend and student. She makes friends with ease and delights in showing them she cares. She has a curious mind and a good heart. We are so similar and butt heads a lot but we love each other deeply. She spent much of her first year of life snuggled up against my heart and a decade later I can still feel her there. 

Happiest Birthday my sweet A!

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