Sunday, February 14, 2021

Love Bits


If you've read my blog for the past several years you will know that I love Love day. Valentine's Day for us is a celebration of love. It's not romantic; it's love in all forms. I've been preparing for our Love Day for weeks. I found socks with hearts, heart shaped marshmallows and valentine embroidered patches to tuck in my children's mailboxes. I found the perfect treat for my husband and the cutest card for my best friend. I found some really cute Riley Blake valentine fabric with adorable puns on it (our family loves puns) that I whipped up into a skirt for my girl. I was ready to go. 

The other thing about me and holidays is that I have uncanny luck for illness and injury coinciding with holidays. I broke my foot on Mothers Day, I got pneumonia on Christmas, I also got severe Norovirus on Mothers Day. Well this Valentine's Day I took a trip to the hospital for suspected pneumonia. I was right. I have been stuck in bed for days with pneumonia and a vestibular migraine. I hate missing out on holidays with my kids but I know they felt special and loved, even if I wasn't at their sides.  

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