Maintaining friendships has been a huge challenge during this pandemic. I'm feeling the loneliness but my kids are really struggling with the lack of friendship. Connecting online isn't what my young kids need; they need face-to-face interaction.
Luckily we live on an island where Covid infections have been moderate if not minimal. We've had good leadership from our provincial health officer; Bonnie Henry. I don't always agree with her choices but she's been very upfront and consistent throughout this pandemic. So Dr. Henry has maintained restrictions on social gatherings though encouraged citizens to spend time outdoors. Walks outdoors with friends is permitted so we took advantage of the sunshine to meet some friends in the forest.
I think we all felt invigorated and refreshed after our time in the woods and connection with friends. The sunshine was such a refreshing change. A good dose of vitamin D always helps boost our mood. I must encourage you all to connect with nature even if you can't connect with friends.
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