Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our Easter Bunny

Last night I got a call from my brother saying asking if I wanted a bunny. I mean it is not unusual to see bunnies in my parents neighbourhood since they live so close to UVic (which is a breeding ground for rabbits). Ian said he saw a tiny tiny baby bunny being attacked by a cat and had rescued it but was being stalked by the cat so he didn't want to release it. I quickly ran out there to help him and ended up bringing the bunny home.
We talked about keeping it and raising it as an outdoor bunny. He was just so small and so cute I didn't want to give it up. But after doing some research online to see what I should do for him, we realized that he was so small that he probably wasn't ready to be without his mother. We dropped him off at the animal hospital where they said because he was a cotton tail he would be taken to a group called Wild Arc to be rehabilitated and released into the wild. Although this was the best option I couldn't help feeling disappointed that I couldn't keep him (on the way to the hospital we decided to name him Walter the bunny). I'm going to call Wild Arc and make sure he is OK next week. I guess he was our own special Easter bunny.
If you have found a orphaned or injured wild animal on Vancouver Island, please contact Wild Arc (or if you would like to donated to this very good cause visit)

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