Sunday, April 19, 2009

Snapshot Sunday and a Garden Update

This is a new thing I'm going to try. I got the idea from a friends blog. She takes five pictures, wherever she is, no cleaning or tidying, just "in the moment" type pictures. Kind of a neat way to see into other people's lives a little bit. This week I'm combining it with a garden update.
The garden is coming along, finally. Things are actually starting to take form. Here are some pictures of my wonderful garden. I'm so excited, I can't wait until harvest. You'll notice in the pictures that the soil is very sandy and that's because we had a huge delivery of sand to help break down the clay that we had before.

In this picture we have my wonderful greenhouse (which I love) and in the back there is my great compost bin that my darling built for me. Where you see the tall posts is my 3 rows of English Peas. On the left of that is my lettuce, spinach, onion, chives, carrot (summer and fall), beets, cauliflower, broccoli, radish and tomato.

Here is the other side of the garden. Again you see the peas, then to the right of that is swiss chard, brussel sprouts, beans (climbing and bush), potatoes, garlic, pumpkin, butternut squash, zucchini, cucumber, rhubarb, current, and artichoke. We are also planting some more beans, squash and corn in a bed that is yet to be dug.

Here is our messy yet functional greenhouse. We still have a ton of stuff left from the old owners in the greenhouse. So again we have lettuce and spinach in the middle box on the left, then in the middle from the top, sweet peas, peppermint, thyme, rosemary, cilantro, lavender, sage, chocolate mint, oregano, and jalapeno and cayenne peppers. In the the smaller containers I'm starting my beans, broccoli, cucumber, pumpkin, squash and tomato. We have more going that just didn't make it into the picture, there is sweet pepper, a guava tree and a hanging basket of strawberries. The bin with the tan lit that the peat containers are sitting on is our earthquake kit.

My beautiful pear tree blossomed today, thought I would grab a picture of it.

Here is the awesome Mason Bee house that my sweetie made. We but it under the grape vine to try to protect it from the rain a little. I hope we get lots of bees this year, we need these little workers to make the most of the garden. I've seen some bees around but I don't think they are Mason Bees.

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