Sunday, August 30, 2009

So Many Pears!

Our yard has 3 pears trees and even though we did some serious pruning this year we still had so many pears. Our poor main pear tree was so heavy with fruit that some of the branches were actually breaking. So we ended up with buckets and buckets of pears. I've canning and giving away and yet I've still had to throw out a few.

Happy Birthday Jon!

This past Wednesday was Jon's birthday. I can't help it but every time it comes around I just want it to be the best day. Even though it was a work day so we couldn't really do everything I wanted to we still had a good time. We had dinner at the Pink Bicycle, which was delicious. We went to a movie and then finished the night at home with an amazing cake. This cake was done by my friend Kyre. It was not only so cute but so yummy (I think it was chocolate cake with chocolate ganache with chocolate chips in it!).

Happy Birthday Baby! It is such a privilege to share it with you! Love you!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Couple Things from the Garden

I've been making a lot of pasta sauce lately. Here we have some romas, a couple moneymakers and a few sweet millions. There are also some green and purple beans and some sweet onions.

My first pumpkin! I'm going to make a soup with it this weekend. I was kinda hoping they would last until October but based on how fast they are ripening they will be done by the end of September.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Little Qualicum Cheeseworks

Little Qualicum Cheeseworks is our favorite local cheese company. They have fabulous bries, curds and hard cheeses. They are located in Parksville, BC at Morningstar Farms. We were driving home from visiting Jon's parents in Campbell River and we decided to visit the farm.

The farm, well the barn and store part. It is really clean and cute. They have adorable clever little signs that guide you on a short tour of the farm.

I thought this sign was funny so I took a picture of it. Hehe.

They have 3 chubby bunnies waiting to greet you right near the parking lot. You can go in a pet them but I think they are so used to people that they don't even move when you are in there with them. They are super soft and super cute.

Pigs! The farm also sells pork but here are the sleepy piggies before the become dinner.

Baby cows! They are only about 5 days old. They were adorable.

You can also go into the goat pen but they weren't really interested in letting us pet them. They were more into sunbathing.

Sheep! They have so many animals there, it made me want to have a farm so much more. It was great to stop by and see exactly where our cheese comes from. If you are up near Parksville it's worth stopping by and trying some cheese, ice cream or wine. If you aren't heading up island Little Qualicum Cheeses are available every Saturday at the Moss Street Market.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Perseids 2009

Unfortunately for this years annual Perseids meteor shower we didn't end up somewhere out in the dark wilderness like I had hoped. Instead we spent a fair amount of time driving around trying to find a place that didn't have a ton of light pollution. It is pretty much impossible. I was actually feeling very very frustrated that there really wasn't anywhere to go get away from the light.

We ended up at Island View Beach. Not totally dark but at least they didn't have a street lamp in the parking lot. We had a couple blankets and lay down in the sand (which was really nice and relaxing). It was a little bit cloudy but we still had a decent view of the sky.

It was amazing. This year had some of the brightest, biggest meteors I've seen in at least 2 years. I am so glad we got to see them. We didn't stay too long because we both had to go to work in the morning and there were some annoying drunks blasting the radio right near us (not really star gazing music either). But the final touch on a very impressive show was the huge red moon rising over the water as we left. Definitely worth it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Biggest Harvest Yet

I pulled out most all of my Walla Walla onions (left) and half of my sweet onions (right).

A major haul of beans. I have yellow ones out there too but they aren't quite ready yet.

I pulled out all of my Yukon Gold potatoes today because they all had wilted and were turning yellow. I still have Russets out there that will be ready in a couple of weeks.

I have so many cherry tomatoes. I have already made salsa so I picked some basil and made pasta sauce from scratch for dinner tonight. There are also a few strawberries in the bowl too.

A Gift

Do you need a baby carrier? Holistic Mama is offering a gift to one lucky follower on her blog. Drop by and give it a read and leave her a message if you want her gift.